5 years of partnership with project Scotland and what we have learnt.

Here’s to 5 years of impact for a charity partnership!

The corporate world is full of relationships- colleagues, mentors, customers, and friends. For the last 5 years, one of the most important relationships we’ve had is with Project Scotland. In 2018, as a young business, our CEO Kirsty partnered with Project Scotland to support them in their effort to help young people find their footing through volunteering placements and make an impact in their community.

Flash forward 5 years, iMultiply now has a fully established Charity Committee with dedicated members, and we feel massively proud about what the partnership has achieved. For those close to our business, hearing about Project Scotland is not a new thing. Every year, our team, network, friends, and even family come together for the now famous iMultiply Charity Quiz to support this partnership and the wonderful people behind it. Beyond that, a commitment to charity is at the core of iMultiply’s DNA.

As a business that puts giving back to its community at the foreground of how we work, over the past 5 years a percentage of the fees we get paid for every permanent placement has gone to Project Scotland.  So if you’ve hired or been hired by iMultiply, thanks to you for making this possible.

Here’s what our partnership has achieved:

  • £27,776.46 donated,
  • 347 in-person mentoring sessions,
  • 68 Scottish businesses brought together to contribute to charity, and;
  • 24 young people supported through Project Scotland’s programmes.

More importantly, we’ve learned important lessons about the power of strong partnerships and what it takes to build one.

  1. Nurture the partnership.

Like any other relationship, company / charity partnerships require nurturing. Communication, time spent together, collaboration and an open-door policy between partners can all make the work you do together more meaningful for the people involved. Just like at the workplace, cross-business relationships rest on mutual respect and care.

  1. A grain of rice really does make a difference.

When it comes to charity partnerships, you may be tempted to see big things all the time, one after the other. Remember that community change starts from small actions. In our partnership with Project Scotland, we learnt how meaningful a small opportunity can be to people. There is no such thing as change too small, and it’s always valuable to be a part of it!

  1. Celebrate the wins.

We’re doing it right now! Take time to look back at the things charitable work can achieve because they’re wonderful! Sometimes the wins will be smaller or harder to see, celebrating those is just as important.

Along the years we’ve written about some of the individual stories that Project Scotland has allowed us to be a part of. (You can read a couple of these by clicking here, or here.) These are not only a reminder of why it’s important to give back to your community but serve as incentives to keep going.

So thank you!

We want to say a massive thank you to the team at Project Scotland and Volunteering Matters, it has been our pleasure to work alongside you in supporting young people in Scotland. To all the people who have come along in the last five years to our quiz and other events, another huge thank you. And as we’ve said already, thanks also to every employer and candidate who has trusted us to help them recruit, because it’s only through your continued trust in iMultiply that we are able to continue giving something back.

It takes a whole community to make a change, and we’ve been delighted to build one. We raise our digital glasses to the last five years!


Written by Arantza Asali, Marketing Executive.

Click here to email Arantza, or click here to meet the rest of the team.

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