Welcome Kathryn to the Team!.

Join us in welcoming Kathryn: Bringing Expertise and Snacks to the Office.

We love introducing you to new iMultiply team members, and Kathryn Smith is no exception! Kathryn joins us with two and a half years of experience in accountancy and finance recruitment, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our Edinburgh Commerce & Industry team.

Kathryn’s journey to iMultiply wasn’t a straight path. After studying social sciences at university, she considered a career in law enforcement, coming from a family with a strong tradition in the police force. Ironically, the complex and lengthy recruitment process ultimately got in her way, leading her to explore other opportunities and landing in recruitment. Now, she’s ready to embark on a new adventure with us, and we couldn’t be happier to have her on board.

Kathryn brings vibrancy to the team, probably because her life both in and out of work is so dynamic. She’s eagerly preparing to be a maid of honour for an upcoming wedding and enjoys staying active with her netball team on the weekends.

One thing you’ll quickly learn about Kathryn is she loves dogs. In fact, if you have a meeting with her, she will always make a note of whether you have furry companion in your life. Ironically, she does not. It’s just one example of her thoughtful and considerate nature, which we know will make her a fantastic colleague and team player.

Kathryn is also known as the go-to snack person among her friends and colleagues. She always has a stash of tasty treats on hand, ready to share with anyone in need of a pick-me-up. (Except the chocolate bars, those are for her only). Her infectious energy makes her a joy to be around, and we’re looking forward to enjoying many snack-filled moments together.

As Kathryn settles into her role with us, we have no doubt that she will make a positive impact on our team and contribute to our continued success. Her experience, coupled with her zest for life, makes her a valuable addition to iMultiply. Kathryn will be working on the part-qualified market in Edinburgh and the East, so feel free to reach out to her if you’re considering a move or hire in that market! Please join us in welcoming Kathryn to the team.

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