How your business, and our partnership, makes a real difference.

Our Partnership with Project Scotland.

Since 2019 we have worked closely with Project Scotland, who are a charity working across Scotland (part of Volunteering Matters), helping young people develop their confidence and skills through volunteering.  This partnership means that every time we place someone in a permanent role, a percentage of the fee we receive (or you pay us) is donated to the charity.

Together, we make amazing things happen – and here are two recent stories of the impact that your business with us has had, on Tony and Sam.  We hope you enjoy reading them.

Tony’s story.

Tony had always worked, but unfortunately due to a long-term physical health condition which then had a huge effect on his mental health Tony had been out of work for years. Tony was referred to ProjectScotland by a health professional concerned about his mental health and isolation. He wanted to get back to work but his health condition was proving a huge barrier. It was thought that Tony might manage part-time, non-strenuous work which would need a level of flexibility in his working hours, but at the time of referral he needed support in building self-confidence, self-worth, and motivation.

Working with his Engagement Manager they were able to identify Tony’s key skills and help him to recognise the talents that he could offer an employer. Tony’s Engagement Manager also thought he would benefit from more social interaction as he was very isolated, a referral was made to Wellbeing Works, where he joined their community photography group, walking group and social group.

After exploring volunteering opportunities Tony was keen to know more about our partner at the Frigate Unicorn and agreed to additional support from a Volunteer Mentor. His Engagement Manager introduced Tony to the staff at the Frigate Unicorn, he was keen to help to start with maintenance and reception with the hope of being able to run tours.

Over the months he had notably increased in confidence and was much more socially active, he also completed his first solo tour receiving great feedback from staff. Vocationally, Tony made significant improvement and was much closer to the job market. Tony and his Engagement Manager started to look at jobs, looking at STAR interview techniques and application forms for various roles. Given Tony’s medical conditions he needed the right job to work for him, without putting too much stress on his body and mind. To help identify what he could manage Tony increased his volunteering from one to three days per week, which also further improved his social skills and mobility.

Tony made amazing progress, he massively improved his health, to the point where his medication and reviews were reduced and he managed to walk to his volunteering and get the bus back, which given his health conditions and starting point is fantastic. When an opportunity arose at the Frigate Unicorn, he was encouraged to apply. Tony was successful and started work as a receptionist/tour guide in Summer 2022.

Sam’s story.

My name is Sam, I’m 18 years old from Scotland. Before I was working with Volunteering Matters who helped me develop and grow as an individual, I studied hard at high school so I could further my education at college and was excited when I found out I got in.

This was still during lockdown, so classes were online on the computer. I found it very hard to do my task not only on a slow computer but with strangers. I went to speak to the college as I could not do the work online as it was too stressful, but they never came up with a solution that would help me.

After some research of what I should do I came across Skills Development Scotland who put me through Employability and Skills Service which is where I met with a representative of Volunteering Matters. She was able to help me understand what I wanted to do in the future, which was work as a classroom assistant at a primary school.

If it wasn’t for Volunteering Matters I wouldn’t be out there working with others and being more confident than I have ever been. At first, I was nervous about starting my volunteering work as it was all new to me but after a week or two I felt overjoyed in my work environment. Not only was I already getting great experience with working with different age groups in the school, but I noticed how I changed for the better. I always feel happy walking to my workplace and walking back home knowing I had a fulfilling day working no matter how challenging it may be.

It’s very important for people to know that when things do not go your way or not as planned, never throw in the towel. That is the importance of Volunteering Matters, they are here for us when we are lost. They gave me hope and helped me with my future. I cannot thank Volunteering Matters enough for the respect and support they have given me.

Find out more…

We’ve written more about our partnership with Project Scotland / Volunteering Matters here, so click through to find out more.

Or of course you can visit their website to find out how you can do even more to support them – go to

And if you want your next hire to give not only the employee a next step on their career ladder, but also do likewise for a young person somewhere else in Scotland, then let us know how we can help.

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