A recruitment business that behaves differently? Pigs might fly!

A recruitment business that behaves differently? Pigs might fly!

Let’s be honest, the recruitment industry has an image problem. Recruiters are often viewed as only there for a quick commission. They’ll push you to take a job, even if they know it might not be right, or isn’t the best thing for your career in the long run.  But at iMultiply we really are different. And yet we’ll level with you – we’ve sometimes struggled to really get this message out there.  We are tarred by the same brush, despite the fact that we were set up almost 10 years ago with the sole purpose of creating a new and different type of recruitment business.

Well, as you’ll have seen from the top of this page, today marks the launch of our new marketing campaign in an effort to get our message out there.  Recruitment. Changed.


Recruitment Changed
iMultiply Recruitment Changed

So where did the pigs come from?

A while ago now we identified that to really stand out we needed a new way to talk about and position iMultiply in the market, and to stand out from the competition.  But we are recruiters, and whilst we have an amazing marketing team (ok, it’s actually us writing this!) we needed more creative minds to help us.  We spoke to a few great ad agencies and found we just clicked with Jane and Campbell from Punk Creative (now Bright Signals).

Roll on a few workshops, some real challenges from them about WHY we were different, HOW we could prove it, and WHAT we did differently from our competitors – and before too long Campbell was back to show us some flying pigs!

Why flying pigs? Well, they’re widely understood to represent something unbelievable happening. Which is perfect. What people think of the recruitment industry is changing because we’re changing it.

iMultiply Recruitment Changed

Recruitment. Changed.

We know that customers who have recruited people or been placed through iMultiply get it – they know we operate differently.  In fact, our consultant’s remuneration is dependent on the feedback they receive not just from successful candidates, but also those who were not ultimately placed in that role.  But the thing about recruitment is that repeat customers don’t come around all that often… especially not when you’ve taken as much care as our team do to find them their perfect job!  So our hope is that this new campaign will help spread the word right across the finance & accountancy profession; recruitment has changed, iMultiply are the pigs that do fly.

We also hope that this campaign will encourage more people to contact us and have a chat. Not because they want a new job, but just to natter about their career – it can be really useful to have that expert viewpoint, and we’re always happy to talk even if actually moving jobs isn’t on your mind right now.

iMultiply Recruitment Changed

So there you have it.  That’s the background to these flying pigs, which we hope you’ll be seeing lots more of in the months ahead. 

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