Who are ProjectScotland?

ProjectScotland are a charity working across Scotland, helping young people develop their confidence and skills through volunteering. Many of us will have felt we lacked the experience to get a new job, well at ProjectScotland they provide young people that first step of experience – from which they can grow.
And their numbers speak for themselves.

·      78% of volunteers continue onto employment, education or training within six months
·      93% of volunteers feel the experience has had a long-term impact on their life
·      98% see a marked improvement in their soft skills as a result of volunteering

Why do we partner with them?

ProjectScotland perfectly aligns with iMultiply’s values, philosophy, and ambitions. They do truly inspiring things for young people in their local communities and are committed to making a big difference. And because they work in the volunteering sector, helping young people take what is often a first step on the job ladder, there is a real logic to us working in partnership with them.

So, what support do we actually give?

It’s pretty simple really. Every time we place someone in a new permanent role, a percentage of the fee will go directly to this charity, helping them support a young person get their first volunteering post. This means both iMultiply and our customers are directly helping young people to get on in life!

To sum up, if you recruit someone through iMultiply, you’ll be directly supporting a young person progress their own career at the same time.

How long have we been partnered with them?

Our partnership with ProjectScotland kicked off in 2019, and in our first year, we raised over £10,000! Since we started this partnership, we and our customers have supported hundreds of young people start their own career journeys.

How does volunteering help a young person?

Volunteering helps young people overcome their barriers and build the skills and confidence they need to move into employment.  ProjectScotland has a positive track record of enabling young people to become active members of society, developing and making the most of their talents and abilities.

Does this really make a difference?

Don’t take our word for it – click here to read two recent stories from Tony and Sam.

It's good to talk

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