New Year, New Job - why starting NOW makes more sense!

We’ve all been there. Over the festive period, we get a chance to relax, unwind and reflect. As New Year approaches, we turn our thoughts to what we want to achieve in the year ahead. Set new goals, plan holidays, and make some resolutions.

Having recruited for over 20 years, I can testify to the fact that every January recruiters are bombarded by calls from candidates who have included, ‘Find a New Job’, in their new year resolutions!

Every year. Without fail. An influx of new job seekers in January and February.

Which is great for us as recruiters. But as a candidate, you end up job hunting at the same time as everyone else! It’s a bit like going Christmas shopping on the 23rd December. Everyone is out trying to find the last minute stocking fillers (or in some cases, ‘the big present’)!

A much better idea when it comes to the ‘New Year, New Job’ philosophy is to do that soul searching now.

  • What do you want to achieve next year?
  • Will staying in your current role enable you to do that?
  • How energised do you feel about your role?
  • Do you ever get the Sunday night blues?
  • What do you love, hate and tolerate about your role?
  • How much of each is contained in your day-to-day?

Once you start asking yourself some questions about how you feel, what you are trying to achieve and exploring if your current role is helping you get there…then the answer to ‘should I explore new opportunities?’ will become obvious.

And if you do, then don’t wait for the mad rush, NOW is the time to connect with a Recruiter.

That doesn’t mean you’ll be interviewing for a new role next week (although it may), but it will give you the opportunity to speak to someone about what your goals and aspirations. The opportunity to chat through what type of position you are keen to find.

Over the rest of 2022, it will give you a chance to build a relationship with your Recruiter, which in turn will mean you are much more likely to be in that ‘shiny new role’ early in 2023.

A major misconception about Recruiters is that they are purely interested in the ‘here and now’. At iMultiply, we always have and always will, play the long game. We are interested in getting to know YOU. It’s about bringing job vacancies to you that are RIGHT FOR YOU, and not the ones available RIGHT NOW.

Recruiters in it for the long haul? Fly little pigs, fly!

To start your New Year, New Job process, please contact me or one of our team at iMultiply.

And if you forget and don’t get round to doing that until 2023 then don’t worry, we’ll still be here to help.  Although you might want to add “start writing to-do lists” to that list of resolutions!  😉


Kris Flanagan iMultiply

Written by Kris Flanagan.

Click here to email Kris, or click here to meet the rest of team.

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