Mastering the Interview: How to Research and Prepare

So, you landed the interview and are starting to picture yourself in a new job, but wait…success hinges on your preparation! It’s time to master the interview…

To excel in an interview and wow your potential new employer, you must be well-informed and ready. There are plenty of actions you can take to be thoroughly prepared for the process of interviewing. Whether you’re new to interviews or have done a few in your time, these strategies will help you build confidence, make a lasting impression, and increase your chances of securing that dream role.

Understand the Company and Industry

Begin your preparation by researching the business and its industry. Spend some time exploring the website and pay attention to what they highlight; their mission statement, values, products, and recent news. (Google News is a great resource for finding recent press coverage.) Understand the company culture, its core values, and how your role aligns with its objectives. Familiarise yourself with industry trends, challenges, and key competitors. This knowledge will allow you to tailor your responses during the interview and demonstrate genuine interest in the business’ vision.

Analyse the Job Description

Carefully dissect the job description to grasp the key responsibilities and qualifications required for the role. Think about how to highlight the skills and experiences that the employer values most. Prepare specific examples from your own background that showcase your abilities in line with these requirements. Be ready to discuss how your skills match the needs of the position through those examples.

Practice Your Answers

Prepare answers to common interview questions, such as “Tell me about yourself,” “Why do you want to work here?”, and the basic questions about your market you may get. Your recruiter can help you make a list of these. Craft concise, structured responses that highlight your qualifications and past successes. Practice your responses with a friend or in front of a mirror to refine your delivery. Listening back to a recording of them can also be useful. Aim to strike a balance between being well-prepared and maintaining authenticity during the interview.

Develop Questions to Ask

Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer. Interviews are supposed to be a two-way street. Having questions ready at interview demonstrates your genuine interest and engagement with the role and business. Inquire about the company culture, team dynamics, and expectations for the role. Asking questions also provides you with valuable insights to assess if the company aligns with your career goals and values.

Dress Appropriately and Gather Materials

Choose your interview attire, ensuring it aligns with the company’s culture. If you’re interviewing online, this is a great time to test all your equipment and make sure it works. If in person, arriving well-prepared and professionally dressed (and on time!) sets a positive first impression.

Research Interviewers

If you know the names of the people you’re meeting in advance, search them up on LinkedIn (be aware that clicking their profile might send them a notification depending on your visibility settings – but it’s usually no bad thing if they see you’ve been doing your research!). This can provide valuable insights into their background, roles they’ve had, and potentially shared interests or connections. Mentioning commonalities or demonstrating awareness of their work can help build rapport during the interview.

Mock Interviews and Feedback

If you still feel nervous after all that preparation, consider conducting mock interviews with a trusted friend or your recruiter. Mock interviews simulate real interview scenarios and provide an opportunity for constructive feedback. It can be especially helpful if it’s a very formal interview format and you’ve never experienced it before. This practice can help you refine your responses, boost your confidence, and identify areas for improvement.

Be yourself!

Many employers are increasingly interested in you as a person; your experience, approach to challenges and bahviours, as much as your specific experience.  In fact, when iMultiply works with an employer we often utilise candidate questionnaires and data analysis to really understand individuals.  You shouldn’t be scared of these, they actually really help to ensure good matching to roles and therefore happier outcomes for both  parties.  But they do mean it’s even more important that you just be yourself, and be honest not just about past experiences but also your strengths and indeed your weaknesses.

When it comes to interviews…

Preparation is the key to success. By dedicating time to research, practicing your responses, and refining your skills, you’ll approach the interview with confidence and all the information you’ll need. Remember, the goal is not just to answer questions but to showcase your qualifications, your best qualities and demonstrate your genuine interest in the role and company. With these tools for preparation, you’ll stand out as a well-informed and enthusiastic candidate, and increase your chances of securing the job.

Happy interviewing!


Blog written by: Arantza Asali, Marketing Director.

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