3 Telltale Signs It’s Time To Find A New Job

Written by: Fiona Gardner, Marketing Executive

The Great Resignation is upon us, but just because everyone is leaving their job, does it mean you should too?

According to Microsoft’s 2021 Work trend index, 41% of people are considering leaving their job in the next year. This is an alarming amount of people! We’ve all been stuck in our homes for a long time and the likelihood is our days have gotten rather repetitive, but does this mean it’s time to look for a new job?  In the words of Whitney Houston, “How Will I Know?”?  Let me share some top tips…

There’s no more room for you to grow

You could love the company, love the people you work with, but you want to work on bigger and better things, and those opportunities aren’t available for you. It is natural for us to want to progress and continue to learn in our current positions however sometimes the reality is the company you are working in can’t offer you what you want.

This isn’t something that you will know instantly and often takes time for you to realise. It’s important to ask yourself the right questions to realise if this is the case or not. Ask yourself the honest question, is this company big enough to help me climb the career ladder? If the answer is no, then the next question is am I still learning? If not, then it’s maybe time to look for a new role.

You feel undervalued

There are many different reasons why you may feel undervalued and it’s not uncommon. If you find yourself in this position it is likely that the everyday tasks you were doing are now very boring and feel like a burden. It could be that you feel you are putting in 110% but not getting any recognition for your work. Or it may be that you feel you are getting all the boring projects and are having to pick up the slack of others. You’ve asked to take on other responsibilities, but they have fallen on deaf ears. It’s then you realise that your energy and enthusiasm are likely better placed elsewhere.

If you’re getting bored of complaining to your friends and family about how undervalued you feel then there’s an easy way to fix it, start the job hunt.

You’re Miserable waking up in the morning

Dreading the thought of going to work is a tell-tale sign your heart is not in it anymore. Another sign could be if you find yourself constantly feeling rundown, or in other words burnt-out.

It is predicted that 52% of workers have experienced burnout in the last 18 months. Most people working longer hours from home because there’s no commute or office banter and they are struggling to switch off. The signs of burnout are if you are feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

If you find yourself like this and there doesn’t seem to be light at the end of the tunnel or a way in which your workload can decrease, then it’s time to lasses your options.

But before you quit…

While all the above are reasons to move on from your current job, this is not always the right answer for everyone. (Other recruiters will tell you that moving is always the best idea, but they are biased.  And we like to be honest!) Before freshening up your CV and applying for that job, if there is a chance of your existing company being able to meet your future needs, then make sure you have exhausted all options in your current role. Arrange a conversation with your current line manager to have an honest talk about your concerns. From this conversation, you should be able to gauge whether things could be improved.  Although if you are made promises or told things will change, then we recommend giving yourself a deadline for when to next review if anything really has changed.  If not, then maybe it is time to look elsewhere.

Want to advance in your career without moving jobs? We can help with coaching, introducing people to pro bono roles, and share industry trends. Our consultants aren’t just interested in getting you a new job, so why not arrange a call with one of them today?


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