What does it take to be a Rising Star?

Be proactive, step outside your comfort zone and get networking. These were the three key takeaways from our iMultiply does…Rising Stars event on Thursday 16th May. 

iMultiply enjoyed exploring the diverse finance career landscape with our accounting and finance community at the Radisson Collection Hotel. Alex Smith, Forth Ports Group Financial Controller, Michael Stephenson, EQ Accountants Manager & Mark Probert, Cact.us Managing Partner discussed their career journeys and lessons learned.

Alex Smith began the evening by recounting her time at PWC and the vast amount of experience she got from a diverse client portfolio. She emphasised the importance of keeping in contact with clients and “making connections with everyone, not just the VIPs.” Building lasting relationships with people you meet along the way can be very valuable and could pay off in the future.

Michael Stephenson spoke about his journey to developing his skills and asking yourself the question, “are you still learning?” He highlighted that “Learning and experience is more valuable than a promotion” and “Don’t stop thinking about where you want to go, always keep an eye on your next job, don’t be afraid to look“. And examining  “What do you need to do to get into that position?” 

Our final speaker, Mark Probert told us how he believes the key to success is finding your passion and not just chasing the money. He rounded off the evening by sharing what he feels are the key skills to being a rising star, which were “Being proactive, constantly learning, leaving your comfort zone, being able to speak up and Accept/ expect nothing.” 

If you would like to know more about our ‘iMultiply does…’ events series, please contact: fionagardner@imultiplyresourcing.com

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