Recruiters Paying Lip Service To Customer Service Won't Cut it

iMultiply, the finance and executive search specialists with bases in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Belfast, have yet again posted record year-end profits. 

The recruitment company credit a 44% increase in turnover, prestigious clients including DC Thomson, Innis and Gunn, Visit Scotland, Money Dashboard and Edinburgh Airport, and a projected expansion in staff numbers of more than a third to their commitment to a quality of customer service – to both employers and candidates – that is often absent in the sector.  

iMultiply not only reward its consultants based on customer satisfaction, but this year also appointed a dedicated Head of Customer Relations, who operates independently from consultants, to gather accurate and useful feedback from customers, which is used to drive improvement in service.
Kirsty MacKenzie, Chief Executive of iMultiply, said:
“The recruitment sector gets a bad rap and our service can be perceived as transactional and rushed with little interest in the long-term, for either candidates’ careers or employers’ plans for growth.  

When quantity is king and performance rewards are based on KPIs that are about hitting targets rather than finding the best fit for everyone, then customers can feel like products, not people.  

Not only have iMultiply shown that focusing on and learning from customer experience works, but it’s also profitable to do so.  We are happy to lead: but it will benefit everyone if the rest of the sector are brave enough to follow.”

In addition to monitoring and measuring their own customer service, the agency can also provide employers with detailed feedback from candidates they interview, giving clients the opportunity and information to allow them to reflect and improve on their own processes.  

iMultiply’s dedication to raising standards for everyone extends beyond the recruitment sector and this year their charity partner is 
ProjectScotland, who, through volunteering, work with young people to improve their skills and confidence and to support them into training, employment or education. In addition to fundraising events throughout the year, a donation will also be made every time someone secures a role through iMultiply.  In just the first quarter, the company has already raised more than £1,200 for the charity.

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