Meet the Team

Recruitment Consultant

Stuart Cadger

Next up in our ‘Meet the Team’ series is Stuart Cadger. Stuart Covers the Qualified market in the West of Scotland and is Chair of iMultiply’s charity committee. He takes the time to understand exactly what his customers are looking for and, as a result, goes above and beyond for them. Previous to iMultiply resident strong man, Stuart narrowly missed out on qualifying for the commonwealth games in weightlifting. However, he’s recently swapped his weights for nappies after becoming a first-time father. We recently asked Stuart what he enjoys most about his role and which of the iMultiply values resonates with him the most.

Tell us about your role in iMultiply?

I am responsible for permanent industry placements in the West of Scotland for Qualified Accountants.

What 3 things do you enjoy most about what you do?

  • First, it’s the team. I work with a phenomenal array of highly experienced, helpful and fun people. This means, no matter how challenging my day is (professionally or personally), I know I can call any of them and have the sounding board, support or chuckle I’m after.
  • Secondly, I’m constantly learning, and I love that! Every day I’m meeting and speaking to new, intelligent, interesting people, both employers and job seekers, with unique interests, backgrounds and ambitions. Furthermore, the variety of companies I speak to with their unique selling points, the complexities of the challenges they face, their plans and machinations for the future and how I can help them source a critical element in that plan by connecting them with the perfect new hire.
  • Thirdly, and it’s tough cause I could keep going, I really enjoy seeing a leadership team genuinely living by the company values, Integrity in particular. Even when no one is watching, doing the right thing is sometimes the most difficult thing to do. The people I work with have Integrity in spades, and to see that demonstrated on a daily basis, not because it is asked of them but because it is just who they are, is inspirational.

Tell us about your proudest professional achievement.

The most recent professional achievement I am proud of is winning the iMultiply 2021 Q3 Testimonial Champion.  The Testimonial award was for the quantity and quality of positive testimonials I received from employers I work with.  I take pride in providing the best advice and service for the employers and job seekers I work with, not just focusing on what is best for me.  This is something I feel empowered to do by the unique way iMultiply links customer feedback to remuneration.

What advice would you give to people looking for a new role?

First, spend time gaining clarity on what you want from a role. This makes the search so much easier, naturally improves performance at interview and will help with difficult decisions such as two offers or a counter offer. Second, maintain a good awareness of all the jobs you have been put forwards for. Not doing so significantly negatively impacts credibility and buy-in from the employer.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Foremost I’m a Dad to Seoras, who has survived being my son for a year so far. In addition, I’m married to Sinead, who is the most remarkable, smart, caring, feeder of a woman I have ever met… Talk about punching above my weight!!! Speaking of weight, I competed in Weightlifting until 2018, after achieving a rank of 8th in the Commonwealth for my weight class, and almost qualifying for the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. Now, I keep active training at Crossfit Glasgow 6 days a week, and though I identify as a gamer, I rarely get the chance to indulge in this guilty pleasure these days.

We are a values-led organisation with customer experience at the heart of everything we do. Which of our values resonates most with you and why?

For me, Integrity is essential. This is a value that I have had instilled in me from an early age. I have gained a lot of experience from various sectors and settings, meeting and working with people from all walks of life. As such, I have had the privilege of experiencing the benefits of always acting with Integrity and observing the ultimate cost experienced by those that may sacrifice their Integrity for short-term wins. The day I joined iMultiply was a happy one for me as I knew I’d found a team of people who understand the value of Integrity and live it every day.

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