iMultiply to launch an industry disruptive AI

Following years of development, iMultiply will be rolling out a new AI that uses a patented algorithm that matches employers who don’t know they are seeking candidates, with individuals that do not know they are looking for a job.

The AI is so well developed it can look at a Linkedin profile and assess a persons; gumption, moxy, chutzpah, grit and childlike wonder. It then calculates a suitability score based on their je ne sais quoi.

iMultiply also want to use this opportunity to announce the launch of a cryptocurrency, iMulticoin, which is the only way to pay for the use of the new AI service.

Recent customer feedback seems positive:

“I’ve hired 4 people, who are fantastic, and I don’t even run a company.”

“I was happily retired but now I’m happily employed at the age of 93.”

“I’ve invested in iMulticoin and my investment has already multiplied.”

If you’re interested in hearing more please contact:


*April Fools*

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