Meet the Team

Public Practice Consultant

Carla Heron

Next up in our ‘Meet the Team’ series is Public Practice Consultant Carla Heron. Carla’s energetic approach to recruitment is one to watch. She is constantly coming up with creative ways of selling opportunities to candidates and making sure they are comfortable with the process. Joining iMultiply fresh out of University, Carla has developed her skills to become the go-to Public Practice Consultant for Part Qualified Accountants in Scotland and she always gets positive feedback. Recently we spoke to Carla to ask what her proudest professional achievement is, and what advice she would give to those looking to make a move in their career.

Tell us about your role in iMultiply?

My role is within the Public Practice team, where I work with experienced and part-qualified accountants helping them find new positions across Scotland. I have been in this role for over two years, and I really enjoy working closely with reputable accountancy firms on a local and global scale.

What 3 things do you enjoy most about what you do?

  • I enjoy being a part of people’s journey when looking for the next move in their career. The job you do and the people you work with are so important to your overall happiness and I really enjoy helping people find their dream job.
  • I believe that everyone knows something you don’t, and I love the variety of people I get to speak to on any given day! I feel like I am always learning something new, and no working day is the same!
  • I really enjoy doing things a bit differently and using my network to help candidates I am working with make the decisions that are right for them.

Tell us about your proudest professional achievement.

My proudest achievement would be winning “The Best Newcomer Award” after six months of joining the iMultiply team. This was chosen by the CEO, Kirsty McKenzie, and was an outstanding achievement considering this was my first role since graduating from university. I was also up against five insanely talented other individuals!

What advice would you give to people looking for a new role?

My advice to anyone thinking of moving to a new role would be to try and figure out what you like and dislike about your current position first. This will help narrow your search when you are applying for new roles and will steer you towards the right companies that will share the same values as you.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy going out with my friends and keeping fit in the gym. Throughout the pandemic, I discovered my love for water activities such as paddle boarding and tried cold water therapy, thanks to Wim Hof (aka Iceman). I also joined the Dog Mum Club when I adopted a black German Shepard puppy called Millie. She has chewed nearly everything that I own!! However, she has kept me sane when working from home was our only option.

We are a values-led organisation with customer experience at the heart of everything we do. Which of our values resonates most with you and why?

Inclusion – I think this is the most important value because we must work collaboratively with others as recruiters. Sometimes remaining unbiased and thinking outside the box can help find individuals find the right job.

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