Could Interim Roles in Accountancy and Finance Be Perfect for You?

Have you ever considered Interim? The world of accountancy and finance is known for offering long-term career prospects for those who want them. However, there’s a growing trend towards interim or temporary work arrangements in this industry, providing professionals with opportunities they might not have considered were available to them before – whilst simultaneously providing […]

Is it Time to Further the Conversation on Menopause in the Workplace?

As it’s Menopause Awareness Month we’ve partnered with Tania Hemming, a menopause coach who works with employers to help them retain talent through this stage of life. Is it time to further the conversation on menopause in the workplace? Menopause has been receiving a lot of media attention of late, and with very good cause. […]

Mastering the Interview: How to Research and Prepare

woman in interview

So, you landed the interview and are starting to picture yourself in a new job, but wait…success hinges on your preparation! It’s time to master the interview… To excel in an interview and wow your potential new employer, you must be well-informed and ready. There are plenty of actions you can take to be thoroughly […]

Why Use a Recruiter to Unlock Interim Talent?

The benefits of using a recruiter don’t disappear interim (there’s actually more). Recruitment seems to get more and more complex every year. Businesses are facing constantly changing demands that require them to be agile and adaptable. When it comes to hiring strategies, interim workers can provide a range of benefits that are often overlooked or […]

How to Beat Impostor Syndrome.

How to Beat Impostor Syndrome. Impostor syndrome- we all know it, I certainly do. Dealing with that persistent feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt despite evidence of our accomplishments can significantly impact our professional and personal lives. Impostor syndrome doesn’t discriminate, it affects professionals across various industries, from entry-level employees to seasoned professionals and CEOs. Recognising […]

What benefits tell you about a company’s culture.

What a benefits package can tell you about a company’s culture. In today’s competitive job market, employers are constantly looking for innovative ways of finding and retaining top talent. One way to do this is by offering comprehensive employee benefits packages that appeal to employees at all levels. From healthcare and retirement plans to tuition […]

How to spot mental health issues in your team (and what to do about it).

How to spot mental health issues in your team (and what to do about it). Team wellbeing is a complex yet central part of what allows a business to succeed – and as a responsible employer, it’s also something that every business should take very seriously. But in this article, we wanted to focus on […]