Top Technologies Aiding the Recruitment Process

In today’s professional world, digital solutions and software seem to be a big part of how we operate. For most businesses and organisations, this includes the employee recruitment process as well. In a study of people in the US and the UK, 62% of Generation Z workers said they are actively or passively looking for new jobs. Today, this generation of “digital natives” makes up over a quarter of the global population. By 2025, this will grow to one-third.

For businesses to keep up and tap into this growing pool of digital talent, they must also adapt to the changing demands of the future workforce while reaching out to them through platforms they are most familiar with — in the digital realm. In this post, we’ll discuss the top technologies aiding the recruitment process today:

Virtual interviews

When the pandemic made it necessary to work from home, HR departments everywhere began adopting remote methods for their recruitment processes. Now, as the world returns to in-person work, many businesses still swear by virtual and video interviews for reasons varying from convenience to shorter time-to-hire. A study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry indicated that virtual interviews using virtual reality (VR) technology could even help candidates with autism spectrum disorder, opening doors for businesses to access an often underrepresented faction of the workforce.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI recruiting tools precede the pandemic and have long helped businesses and HR leaders streamline their recruitment process by automating aspects of decision-making. AI also helps make it easier for job seekers to filter through job postings online and apply for open positions. However, concerns regarding unconscious bias impacting automated decision-making and filtering have risen in past years. Fortunately, organisations are working to fix this lapse in the technology’s potential. According to The British Institute of Recruiters, there is growing evidence that AI and smart algorithms can still significantly help match a candidate’s skills to the right opportunities and jobs.


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial for building your business’s online presence and ensuring that your online presence is seen as reliable and trustworthy. Digital agency Ayima integrate SEO and PPC with focuses on analytics and paid/biddable media to help businesses optimise their website content and drive organic traffic to their products and services. Similarly, investing in an SEO strategy can help bring your job postings and opportunities to more relevant candidates. As noted in our introduction, this digital generation is actively and passively looking for new jobs, so ranking higher in search engines can help expose your business to skilled talent.

Job review websites

Last but not least, like SEO, job review websites let candidates know what kind of organisation and workplace they are applying to and whether or not your company is trustworthy. In a previous post about recruiters and job offers, we mentioned the importance of sites like Glassdoor and Google Reviews in getting a perception of your company. As recruiters, you must be aware of the external image of your firm. Refining exit interview structures and building a positive rapport with current employees can ensure that you don’t get blindsided by negative job reviews in the long run, costing you future interested candidates.

For more insights on the recruitment industry, iMultiply Resourcing posts the latest on the recruitment business and best practices while helping Scotland’s leading recruiters and top talent find each other.


Written by Janna Breen.

Janna Breen is a freelance blogger and writer specialising in digital marketing topics. She is especially interested in the impact of emerging technologies on the future of online marketing. When she’s not busy writing and reading, Janna spends her time baking with her cat Milky.

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