Return to Normal?

As restrictions and lockdowns begin to ease, again, some will be looking forward with excitement to the opportunities to see friends and families, heading to the gym, travelling and even returning to the office!

There will be others who will have taken time to adjust to being in lockdown that now needs to consider what coming out of these restrictions means. These people may have been shielding or struggling with their physical or mental health or have lost loved ones during this time.

We may look at how others are behaving and believe we should be celebrating and joyful. However, try not to compare yourself with others. Navigating your way through this journey is unlike anything most of us will have been through before! We can’t know how people truly are feeling unless they are comfortable sharing that with us. Every situation is different. Uncertainty and stressors are high; we are all doing the best we can.

Connecting with others was perhaps the most significant change we encountered. We moved from the odd text message or phone call to fully arrange visits and social events online, with Zoom and Skype meetings filling our diaries. We may have loved or loathed this way of communicating with our friends, families and colleagues. Who knew it would become standard practice for over a year?! Now we are looking to return to in-person meetups, and while we have been waiting, patiently or not, it could bring anxious feelings to the surface.

Just as we start to get accustomed to the normality of distance, here we face another change. For some, it will be a ‘walk in the park’, but for others, this change hard to deal with. We may be assuming that lockdown lifting is going to be easy for everyone. It is unlikely that will be true for all. It is as reasonable to feel anxious as it is joy. We may have just settled into this new space, and here we are about to change it all again.

5 Ways to Wellbeing plays a big part in our life for mental wellbeing, alongside other tips for good health, e.g. eating and sleeping well, maintaining some routine or structure to the day. We were encouraged to look for ways this could continue even with restrictions in force. These continue to be vital as we make way for more changes into whatever comes next for us. What can you do to help yourself? Is there anything you can do to help others? What small steps are you prepared to make towards improved wellbeing?

Please acknowledge that we are all different beings with our own perspective on the last year. Support each other; try not to assume everyone feels the same way or judge those who find change difficult.

Being kind to ourselves and those around us is more important than ever.

And best of all – it costs nothing!

Author: Angela McCafferty

Angela is a fully qualified mental health practitioner and runs Epic Wellbeing. She is passionate about supporting both individuals and businesses through difficulties and periods of change, focusing on Mental Health and Well-being.

For more information on how Epic Wellbeing can help your business, please visit their website.

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