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IMULTIPLY, the finance and executive search company with offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow, has posted record year-end profits as it signalled plans to double staff numbers in five years.

The recruitment company hailed a 37 per cent increase in turnover to £3 million as it revealed a target to hit £10m by 2025.

The firm said that since 2018 it has recorded a 59% increase in operating profit as it secured clients including DC Thomson, Innis and Gunn, VisitScotland, Money Dashboard and Edinburgh Airport, and it said it plans staff expansion as part of its commitment to developing its team, continued investment in technology and quality of customer service.

The news comes as iMultiply founder Kirsty Mackenzie has appointed a new managing director, Kris Flanagan, who has been with the company since 2018 after almost two decades of experience in the staffing industry, including 15 years accountancy and finance
Ms Mackenzie will remain as chief executive but is taking on a broader leadership role, including searching out new growth opportunities and revenue streams for the existing company, while also playing a larger role within the business community.

This will also include promoting best practice and supporting and mentoring others.

Ms Mackenzie said: “I’m leaving everything operationally but I will still be instrumental in the future direction and strategy-setting of iMultiply.
“Alongside that I have potentially four new business ideas that I want to spend time exploring.”

A past winner of WeDo’s Young Entrepreneur Award, Ms Mackenzie has also been a finalist in BQ’s Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce’s Best Performing Business and Business Women Scotland’s Best SME.

Ms Mackenzie added: “We understood the mixed perception of recruiters and focused on listening and learning from customer experience, from applicants to employers, we placed excellent customer service at the heart of our business and showed it is profitable to do so, and we value our staff, allowing them room to breathe and grow beyond their job role.

“At every level of our business, I look to see people, not targets or meaningless numbers.

“When you make things better for people, everyone profits, as iMulitply’s continual growth and success shows.”

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