A note from the Managing Director...

In 2012, iMultiply was started by Kirsty Mackenzie with three very clear goals.
They were:

  • To challenge convention with the aim of raising the standards in the industry.
  • To be part of the business landscape supporting the local business community and ecosystem.
  • To bring good people together, help them grow and develop and make awesome things happen.

These goals are as relevant now, in these unpredictable and unprecedented times, as they were in 2012. The global coronavirus outbreak is making us all think and act in a new way. People and businesses need to find new ways to get things done. To challenge convention and innovate so we can keep moving forward. We are here to support the local business community. Many of our team have recruited through challenging times before and are well placed to provide a sounding board on recruitment for those that need. We want to continue bringing good people together. Good candidates with good businesses. Good talent with good opportunity. Let’s all work together and help each other to make sure that we come out of this stronger, better and wiser.

Most importantly, look after yourselves and those around you, especially the most vulnerable. 

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