We operate a different kind of recruitment business- Pigs are flying!

We operate a different kind of recruitment business- Pigs are flying!

The recruitment industry has something of a bad reputation. We know it, and you know it.  And despite iMultiply having been founded and run as an alternative to the  commission-seekers out there looking out primarily for their own pockets, we’re aware that we often get grouped into the same pot.  That’s why earlier this year we decided to tell the world just how differently iMultiply are doing things. Pigs, it turns out, do fly!

The first phase of our Recruitment Changed campaign came around, and with it, our now well-known flying pigs. Yet we know we can fly even higher, and we’re excited to dive deeper into what has made iMultiply a unique business in this industry for the last 10 years (Happy birthday to us!).


So, there’s more to it than the funny pigs?

Absolutely! We love the pigs, but we didn’t choose them just because they look good on our social media. The pigs are there to tell you, when you work with iMultiply, something unseen in recruitment is about to happen. Every time an employer reaches out for help finding new talent, and whenever our consultants speak to a jobseeker, there is one thing at the forefront of our minds – let’s be a little different!

It’s in our DNA, you see. If at any point throughout the process the strategy isn’t working, we’ll tell you. Why? Because the goal for us is always customer first, fee second. Honesty and trust are at the core of the relationships we have with you, whether you be engaging us to fill a role, or find you a new job.  No fee is worth risking that.

If it makes us a bit weird, we’re okay with that.

Quite a few things about iMultiply would seem strange to others in the recruitment industry. From customer satisfaction outranking fees earned in our commission structure, to including the people we couldn’t help in our feedback, all the way to choosing pigs with wings for our marketing campaigns- we don’t want to be like everyone else.

We understand that when people come to us, they are dealing with important decisions. Finding the right person for your business and finding the right business for you is no small thing. In return for trusting us with that, we offer integrity at every stage.

The people we work with know this. iMultiply does things a little differently and they like it! In the last few months, we’ve heard how many of them immediately understood what we were saying with the pigs.

So where are they flying off to next?

The thing about being great recruiters is, when you find people their perfect jobs, and businesses their perfect people, they’re unlikely to need you again very quickly. So, our flying pigs still have a lot of work to do!

They’ve spread the word already- recruitment has changed, there’s a whole team in Scotland dedicated to it. Our hope is that our piggies can fly again and turn rumours into conversations and new relationships. We want to hear from you! Regardless of where you are in your career, or whether you’re thinking about a move right now or not.  An expert’s opinion is always worth having.

Keep an eye out for the campaign. They’ll be telling you more about what happens at iMultiply, the kind of things that make you think…maybe pigs really can fly.